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dGB Earth Sciences



Regular price $350.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $350.00 USD
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Bundle of OpendTect Pro and almost all dGB plugins. Also available for daily subscription.

*All commercial products need OpendTect Pro to run. The licenses can only be used on a single node. For information about perpetual, floating and/or annual subscription licenses please contact

This bundle supports the following features:

OpendTect Pro

Connect commercial plugins to OpendTect. Includes PetrelDirect, PDF-3D, Basemap, Highly accurate Ray-Tracer and improved workflows.

Dip Steering

Allows you to create and use "steering cubes". A steering cube contains at every sample position the local dip and azimuth of the seismic events.


Consists of a dense set of correlated 3D stratigraphic surfaces. Each horizon in the HorizonCube represents a (relative) geologic time line.

Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation System

The Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation System plugin is an add-on to the HorizonCube. SSIS supports full sequence stratigraphic analysis.

Faults & Fractures

Contains all fault & fracture attributes, filters, and planes tools under one control center window.

Machine Learning

New plugin for both operational geo-scientists and machine learning specialists. Links OpendTect Pro environment to Python, TensorFlow, Keras & Scikit Learn. Access to the latest Machine Learning algorithms for: seismic -, wells -, and seismic-to-wells applications.

Original Neural Networks plugin is integrated into the new Machine Learning plugin.

Well Correlation Panel

The Well Correlation Panel plugin is used for picking well markers and correlating markers guided by seismic evidence.


SynthRock is a forward pseudo-well modeling and probabilistic inversion package with profile module, stochastic module and HitCube inversion.

Fluid Contact Finder

FCF is used to detect subtle hydrocarbon-related seismic anomalies and to accurately pinpoint gas-water, gas-oil and oil-water contacts.

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