11 Seismic Coloured Inversion
11 Seismic Coloured Inversion
Enables rapid band-limited acoustic impedance inversion of seismic data. Plugin by ARK CLS.
*All commercial products need OpendTect Pro to run. The licenses can only be used on a single node. For information about perpetual, floating and/or annual subscription licenses please contact info@dgbes.com
The ARK CLS Seismic Coloured Inversion plugin enables rapid band-limited inversion of seismic data. A single convolution inversion operator is derived which optimally inverts the data. The spectrum of the inverted data honors the available well data spectra in a global sense.
Generally, traditional inversion methods (e.g. sparse-spike) are time consuming, expensive, require specialists and are not performed routinely by the Interpretation Geophysicist, whereas SCI is rapid, easy to use, inexpensive, robust and does not require expert users. SCI and unconstrained sparse-spike appear to give broadly equivalent results.